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August 21, 2023

Connection in the Workplace

Workplace relationships matter more than we might think. After all, what we do for a living impacts no just us but those around us. Engagement plays a major role in feeling connected to our coworkers, a specific project, or an organizational mission or corporate focus. The ubuntu-based principles of empathy and interconnectedness can be used to guide to help us to learn about, support, and value each other.

The Ubuntuworks Resource Hub provides organizations and individuals with data, stories, studies and support for a more connected and compassionate world.

What is workplace connection?

“Connection and connectedness can mean a variety of things to different people. For some, a connected team means that all team members are on the same page technologically, each taking advantage of the latest collaboration software to get work done. For others, it means a team that has deep emotional connections with each other, and operates more “like a family”… empathy plays a major role in making this happen….

Why does workplace connection matter?

People who feel connected to what they do for a living—who believe in and align themselves with their company’s values, mission, and purpose—and to those around them care about doing great work. They’re the type of employee who can quickly become a culture champion across your entire organization. But only if you’re aware of their connection with those values….

One thing to remember: not everyone needs or wants connection in the workplace. Or if they do, it’s to varying degrees. And that’s perfectly reasonable. Connection shouldn’t be forced upon anyone. But it can be encouraged through small acts of reaching out and by creating opportunities to learn about unique perspectives….


  • Engage your people without pretenses. Your people’s excitement about a particular project or attachment to your organization’s values might fluctuate week to week. So it’s important not to put them into a box. If they’ve expressed excitement or connection to a specific type of work, offer that work to them the next time it comes around, but don’t assume they’ll be always be willing.
  • Interact frequently, even if nothing comes out of it. It won’t be fruitful every time you reach out to your people or coworkers to try to relate to them. Not every 1:1 is going to be productive and informative. Nevertheless, continue to express an interest in what they’re working on and learn how you can help support them.
  • If no one’s connecting to your values, it’s time for them to change. Corporate values are often mocked as cynical and self-serving buzzwords. If your people aren’t connecting with your organizational values (and bringing them to life each day at work), it’s time to consider finding out why that is. Hint: you can’t force people to connect emotionally to buzzwords. Find out what people care about at your company, what they value, and put together a list that reflects that.”

To read more about why connection in the workplace matters, visit https://blog.jostle.me/blog/why-connection-in-the-workplace-matters

Photo: Christina @ wocintechchat.com

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