Thrive at Work

The smart way to talk to your boss, stand up for yourself, and do more than just survive at work.

A Practical Guide to Getting More out of your Work Life.

Over the course of your lifetime, you will spend approximately 90,000 hours at work. You can spend these hours holding your breath, feeling afraid and disempowered.

Or you can seize the opportunity to breathe new life into your workplace by building relationships that allow you to not merely survive, but thrive at work. The choice is more within your reach than you ever imagined.

Since we spend so much time at work, being defined by work, and searching for the work of our dreams, shouldn’t we also spend time understanding our rights and responsibilities in the workplace and learning techniques that help us thrive there? 

Work shapes us, but we can also reshape our work.

Are you ready to create
a new work culture?

Live from a place of wellbeing

In "Surviving & Thriving at Work" you will find ways you can:

  • Challenge Unfair Treatment
  • Document Workplace Abuse
  • Overcome a Demanding Boss
  • Find Common Ground
  • Live from a Place of Wellbeing

Secure your job and improve your workplace environment for yourself and others before events escalate. Having an empowered and fulfilling work experience requires one to know how to navigate worklife with knowledge, skill, and confidence.

"This book is the sum of my experience as a lawyer, mediator, and educator. It can be a tool to help you understand your rights, develop methods to protect yourself at work, deal with difficult people effectively, assure a successful career, and even help someone you know out of a jam. It can open doors to a brighter future and help you to not simply survive, but thrive at work.

If you must end up in court, I have included ways to survive litigation, build an effective claim, and enhance your relationship with your lawyer.

Yet, my hope is that you can avoid the unpredictable and often inefficient legal system and use the preventative tips in this book to help you ride through most storms and enhance your health and well-being at work."

- Eric Sirotkin

Are you ready to change
your work life?

Be Inspired.

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