Volunteer Opportunities


How to Volunteer for the Ubuntuworks Resource Hub

The Ubuntuworks Resource Hub provides organizations and individuals interested in a more connected and compassionate world with data, stories, studies and support for the importance of ubuntu-based principles in our world.

The Goal for the Hub is to create the most comprehensive curated library of ubuntu content. You can help by researching and sending us content you find that aligns with ubuntu principles.

Step 1.

To get started, first look at the different topics based on ubuntu-principles on any page of the Hub. Here's an example. Note the tags in the column on the right. Topics include active listening, corporate social responsibility, and integrative law, among others.

Step 2.

Next, look for information on the topic you have chosen via the Internet, your library, magazines or books. The Hub includes many types of media from online articles, podcasts and videos, to interviews, book reviews, and more.

Step 3.

When you find content you think would work on the Resource Hub, gather the information: Title, organization, descriptive paragraph, author and link.

Step 4.

Send this info to Ubuntuworks via the online forms on the Resource Hub page. There are two forms: one for organizations, one for content.

Email with any questions: eric@ubuntuworksproject.org.
Thanks for your help building the Ubuntuworks Resource Hub!

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Inspiring new stories that help make real systemic change.

Listen Deeply. Respect Others. Find Common Ground.