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  • The Integrative Law Movement

February 24, 2023

The Integrative Law Movement

Integrative law brings personal reflection, human values, and purpose-based approaches to the practice of law. Re-thinking the system from an evolutionary and wholistic view allows lawyers to use integrative techniques for the best outcome instead of falling into the traditional dichotomy of us vs them mentality, which often does not repair the wrong that the legal system is charged with balancing.

J. Kim Wright, lawyer and author of “Lawyers as Peacemakers,” talks about integrative law as “integrating the whole person, the whole system, and how we are together. Law can be about relationships, but that’s not how we’re trained.

Check out the Integrative Law Movement website where there are videos of lawyers discussing what it’s like to be an integrative lawyer, a calendar of law events including a conscious contracts practitioner group.

Learn more at her website, Integrativelaw.com.

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