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January 20, 2024

Center for Humane Technology

The Center for Humane Technology (CHT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to radically reimagining the digital infrastructure. Its mission is to drive a comprehensive shift toward humane technology that supports the collective well-being, democracy and shared information environment.

You may recognize two of the three CHT founders, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, from the movie, The Social Dilemma, a hybrid docu-drama that looks deeply at the consequences of our growing dependence on social media. Along with Randima Fernando, the founders have an impressive list of accomplishments including launching Foundations of Humane Technology as a free course for product teams in 2022. 

With their top tech podcast, Your Undivided Attention, CHT harnesses the edges of the tech world to bring you human-centered discussion. With over 20 million downloads and part of the TED Audio Collective, the hosts reach out to leaders in their field to bring important topics into the center of the action, like mythologist Josh Schrei, who joins in to discuss the role that myth plays in how we think about AI.

Visit the Center for Humane Technology at www.humanetech.com/

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