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April 10, 2023

Center for Empathy and the Visual Arts

Mia (Minneapolis Institute of Art) envisions the Center for Empathy and the Visual Arts (CEVA) taking a leading role in collaborating with fellow museum colleagues as well as researchers, scholars, content experts, and other influencers to research and explore best practices for fostering empathy and global awareness through the power of art and to share these finding with the field.

In our increasingly divisive world, polarized by issues regarding politics, racial inequities, marriage equality, global warming, income disparities, and immigration policies, it becomes clear that our failures to understand other people’s feelings are exacerbating prejudice, conflict, and inequality. If we wish to develop not only a more equal society but a happier and more creative one, we will need to look outside ourselves and attempt to identify with the experiences of others. This critical skill is called empathy, which, according to Roman Krznaric, an expert on empathy, “has the power to transform relationships, from the personal to the political, and create fundamental social change.”

Art museums, with their collections filled with stories of humanity from across the globe, are well-positioned to play a vital role in helping people understand each other. Minneapolis Institute of Art champions the power of art—and the responsibility of art museums—to spark curiosity and creativity, connect people across cultural differences, and engage our individual and shared values.

The Benefits of Empathy

From CEVA’s white paper, here are the specific benefits of empathy, both professionally and personally:

  • Greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Development of altruistic behavior (moral and prosocial behavior)
  • Curiosity about other people as individuals
  • A greater understanding of global cultures, in a highly globalized world
  • Ability to collaborate with others
  • Understanding of what makes us human
  • Growth of humility and compassion
  • Workforce development (understanding the customer or the consumer’s point of view)
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Increased understanding across generations
  • Community bonding and empowerment
  • Decrease in bullying and cyber trolling
  • Reduction of prejudice and discrimination

Read more about the Center for Empathy and the Visual Arts at https://new.artsmia.org/empathy

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